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Parent Advisory Council Information

What is PAC?


PAC Stands for Parent Advisory Council

The council is made up of parents and staff who serve as the voice of the parent population.  This committee meets about 5 times per year and provides parents the opportunity to offer suggestions and opinions concerning the review, planning, and evaluation of school programs.  It also allows valuable input on the Parent Involvement Program and the budgeting of Title 1 funds. 

The purpose for PAC is as follows:

  • Review/rewrite the parent involvement policy annually.
  • Review/rewrite the parent-teacher compact annually.
  • Survey parents about their campus/district concerns and expectations of the parental involvement program.
  • Provide input on how funds reserved for parental involvement will be used.



What is SBDM?


SBDM Stands for Site-Based Decision Making

  • S.B.D.M. is a committee that provides input for their school concerning the site-based decision making policies, procedures, and campus improvement plans.
  • S.B.D.M. consists of teachers, school staff, parents, and community members who represent and meet every other month. 


These meetings are open for all parents to attend and give their input. If you would like to represent your student's grade level or any grade level by serving on the PAC, please notify Ellen Thornton, Title I coordinator at (254) 542-3070 or email