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Parent Involvement Policy

A major goal of Williams/ Ledger Elementary School is to encourage greater involvement of parents in the education of their children in partnership with our school.

Parents and the school have developed this policy in accordance to the legal requirements Title I, Part A Section 1118.



Williams/ Ledger will establish a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC).  The committee will meet several times during the year to discuss the Title 1 Program and Parent Involvement related issues.  The Parent Involvement Policy will also be reviewed (and be revised if needed) every year.

Staff development and parent trainings will promote better relations between parents and the school by opening lines of communication.

The school will invite parents to be actively involved in their child’s education through a variety of activities such as:

  • Family Nights and STAAR Nights
  • Open Houses
  • Book Fairs
  • Parent Workshops
  • Brochures, handouts and other material with topics on education and parenting
  • PAC meetings
  • School web pages
  • Parent Involvement Surveys
  • Serve on committees
  • Sending home fliers and information with the students to inform parents of activities
  • Helping the school develop and continue to review the Teacher/Student/Parent Compacts and this Parent Involvement Policy
  • Information about events on the marquee
  • Volunteering


Adult education programs available in this area will be promoted and information will be posted in the parent involvement centers.

Teachers will send out report cards every 6 weeks, with Progress Reports in between.  Parent-Teacher conferences will be scheduled as needed or by parent request.  It is a Title I requirement that a minimum of one conference per year be held for each student.

Communication with parents will consist of notes/flyers sent home, newsletters, monthly calendars, conferences, school website, phone calls, emails and marquees.

Free educational resources and materials will be provided at Williams/Ledger, through the parent involvement centers, for parents to use at home.

Parent Involvement opportunities will be offered throughout the school year.  Parent Surveys are used to help determine these activities.  Please contact S Doreen Vasseur at 254.542.3070 or schedule an appointment with Lori Hensley, principal, to share any ideas for activities or school improvements.

In homes where the native language is not English, translated materials will be provided as often as possible or practical.  Audio tapes and educational materials available to students and parents can be requested for those who prefer listening to school information.



  • Reviewed:  April 10, 2006                         
  • Major Revision:  January 12, 2007 due to combining 2 schools.  (School #107 Williams/Ledger Elementary)
  • Reviewed:  January 29, 2008
  • Revised:  February 11, 2009
  • Reviewed:   April 6, 2010
  • Reviewed:  May 27, 2011
  • Revised:  June 27, 2012 by new principal (due to the loss of parent liaison & retirement of principal)
  • Reviewed: 9/26/12 for committee approval
  • Reviewed: 3/27/13 (no revisions needed)
  • Reviewed: 5/7/14 (no revisions needed)
  • Revised: 4/1/15



Contact information:

Traci Phillips, Principal
Email Address:
Phone Number: 254-542-3070